The Zagreb Film Festival Industry and the Croatian Audiovisual Centre invite you to apply to the MIDPOINT Intensive workshop, a four-day training program for professionals intended for creative teams of film authors (scriptwriter, director and producer) from Croatia who are developing short fiction film projects. MIDPOINT Intensive will be held as part of this year’s Zagreb Film Festival (4 – 10 November 2024).

As part of the workshop, the teams will work on the creative development of the script. The workshop consists of group work in small groups and individual consultations with an experienced script doctor.


  • Creative teams consisting of producer, director and/or screenwriter with a short fiction film project in development


  • Workshop: 5 – 8 November 2024
  • Location: Zagreb


  • The working language of the workshop is English, so a sound knowledge of English is a key prerequisite for participation


  • The workshop is free of charge for all participants

Workshop training as well as breaks (coffee, lunch) during the workshop are covered by the organiser.



1. Basic information about the project:

  • Title in English
  • Original title
  • Genre
  • Name of production company
  • Stage of development
  • Production budget estimate
  • Partners / co-producers

2. Short synopsis (max. 1000 characters)

3. Treatment (2-3 pages) / (if you already have a script, you can attach it to the application as supplementary material)

4. Author’s motivation (0.5-1 pages)

Description of the author’s approach to the story and topic:

  • At what stage is the story development and what needs to be fine-tuned?
  • Who are the main characters and why are they interesting to you?
  • How do you imagine the visual style of the film?

5. Preliminary financing plan (in Excel document)

6. Producer’s statement (0.5-1 pages)

The producer’s approach to the project:

  • What is the total budget of the project and how do you plan to finance it?
  • What is your co-production strategy?
  • At what stage is the project and what are your development needs?
  • What are your ideas about the project’s distribution?

7. Production house profile (max. 1000 characters)

8. Short professional biographies of all team members (max. 1000 characters per bio)

9. Photographs of all team members

10. Director’s previous works (max. 2 links)

Links to the Director’s previous fiction films (with English subtitles), preferably short or feature-length fiction films.

11. Moodboard (not obligatory)


APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1st September 2024
