VIDEO: Film Industry During the Pandemic

The European audio-visual sector experienced serious short-term and long-term consequences of the crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. The current consequences of the crisis were diverse and they encompassed almost all of the main branches of the audio-visual sector, from cessation of production projects to closing down of cinemas.

However, from March, the European Commission and the European Parliament adopted documents which enable national film and audio-visual foundations around Europe to reorganize their operations and internal procedures in order to help them overcome difficulties facing the sector. Some of the measures the film agencies took were tied to the film and audio-visual sector as a whole, while others targeted specific sub-sectors, i.e., production, distribution and presentation, as well as events and festivals.

A wide and diverse number of measures were enacted and today we’ll be seeing examples of good practices and discussing the possibilities which national and EU institutions can take to protect producers and cinemas in this period of hardship.

In the first panel, To Produce or Not During the COVID-19 Pandemic?, we have Ankica Jurić Tilić (producer, HRUP), Julie-Jeanne Régnault (Secretary General of EFAD), Ada Solomon (HAVC), Predrag Fred Matić (MEP/CD CULT), and Petra Kammerevert (MEP/CD CULT).

In the second panel, How To Protect Cinemas During the COVID-19 Pandemic?, we have Alen Munitić (Croatian Network of Independent Cinemas), Nico Simon (Europa Cinemas), Chris Marcich (HAVC), Christian Bräuer (CICAE), and Željana Zovko (MEP).

Both of the panels will be moderated by Martina Petrović (CED – MEDIA Desk Croatia).

The event is organized in cooperation with the European Parliament Office in Croatia and CED – MEDIA Office Croatia. You can watch the lecture via this page or via our Facebook page.
